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How to preserve ground coffee?

Coffee is marketed in different forms: beans, pods, capsules and powder. But it is in powder form that it is often consumed. You can buy ground coffee directly from a manufacturer, or grind it yourself, as you wish. It doesn't matter in the end, as long as you have the right grind size to prepare your espresso, hazelnut, ristretto, latte, macchiato, cortado, etc.

On the other hand, it is important to use your ground coffee properly to preserve its quality, while enjoying its aromas and flavors at the right time. A good use of ground coffee implies a good conservation method. There are several ways to store ground coffee, and above all, there are many good storage habits to adopt to keep it in good condition for a long time. We tell you everything.

Store your ground coffee in an airtight, opaque container

Coffee oxidizes when it comes into contact with the air and quickly loses its freshness and aroma. This is why, when buying coffee, it is important to choose ground coffees that are packaged in airtight containers. As long as the coffee is still vacuum sealed, there is no need to worry, but once the package is opened and the vacuum packaging is interrupted, you must act quickly.

It is therefore recommended to place the ground coffee in an airtight container made of ceramic, glass, stainless steel or BPA (bisphenol A) free plastic. This is a preserving box that usually has an air-vented closure. They come in all sizes on the market. Thus, there will certainly be one that will be adapted to the volume of ground coffee to be preserved.

However, it is important to know that air is not the only enemy of ground coffee. Indeed, light is also a big handicap to the conservation of ground coffee. Thus, the fact that the container is airtight is not a sufficient guarantee. It is also necessary that it is completely opaque. Otherwise, the jar containing the ground coffee should be stored in a dark place away from daylight, such as a pantry.

Keep your ground coffee in the refrigerator

Humidity, like air or light, does not go well with ground coffee. It drastically reduces its flavor over time. Therefore, ground coffee must be kept in a dry place if you want to keep all its properties intact. But, it is also important that it be placed in a cool environment to keep its freshness. The problem is that in a pantry, the temperatures are not always optimal for a good conservation.

For this reason, some advocate storing ground coffee in the refrigerator. Storing ground coffee in a refrigerator may be seen as a temporary solution when temperatures rise, or a permanent solution for those living in hot areas. However, to keep ground coffee as fresh as possible, it is recommended to store it in :

  • its one-way valve reclosable bag;
  • an airtight, opaque container.

It is important to know that in a proper storage, the ground coffee is protected from light and humidity, but also from the odors present in the refrigerator that can alter the taste and flavors of coffee.

Keep your ground coffee in the freezer

Ground coffee can be stored in a refrigerator or pantry for a week or two if properly packaged. However, if you want to keep it for a longer period of time, it is best to put it in the freezer. This is also the most reliable option for storing large quantities of ground coffee. Indeed, the cold has the advantage of slowing down the oxidation of ground coffee.

If the freezer is a better option than the refrigerator for storing ground coffee, it is also because it provides a more stable temperature. In fact, it is opened less often than a refrigerator. This way, the temperature is constant, which is beneficial, because ground coffee does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. It is also for this reason that it is advisable to take out of the freezer the right amount of ground coffee for the preparation. The fact is that refreezing could affect the quality of the product and alter the taste.

In addition, to avoid the degradation of ground coffee in the freezer, it is important to ensure that it is placed in an airtight and opaque container.

What are the best ways to store ground coffee?

While ground coffee is very convenient, because it reduces the time it takes to make coffee, it is not very easy to store. However, with the preservation techniques outlined above, chances are that the texture and flavors of the coffee will be preserved for a long time to come. However, these preservation techniques must be coupled with good storage habits for effective results. Here are some tips to follow.

Use roasted coffee

Roasting coffee reduces its moisture content. Therefore, experts say it is more beneficial to grind roasted coffee beans. This way, once ground, the coffee will not be easily affected by humidity. However, it is important to know that ground coffee, even in small doses, is more sensitive to humidity than coffee beans. This explains why some people are not necessarily in favor of putting ground coffee in the refrigerator or freezer to store it. For them, it is better to store it in a cupboard or a pantry.

Choose a suitable storage jar

As mentioned earlier, ground coffee should be placed in an airtight, opaque container to protect it from air, light and humidity, but also to isolate it from the odors that surround it. This is especially important when coffee is placed in the refrigerator or freezer for longer storage.

There are many storage jars available on the market that have all of these features, which doesn't necessarily make the choice easy. The ideal container, however, should be the right size and have a CO2 venting valve to reduce the amount of time the coffee is exposed to the air.

Buy ground coffee in small quantities

The conservation of ground coffee is not always easy. Even if you manage to preserve the overall condition of the coffee thanks to the different preservation techniques presented, the freshness of the product takes a hit. Therefore, it is better to have a small quantity of ground coffee in stock. Not only is the risk of loss minimized, but also the preservation is much more optimal. The good news is that there are many shops selling coffee in bulk to adapt the quantity of ground coffee to your consumption.

Another solution to guarantee the freshness of the grind would be to buy coffee beans and grind a small quantity for each preparation. In this way, the problem of storing ground coffee is solved.

Watch for the best before date (BBD)

For coffee, we don't talk about an expiry date, but rather about a best before date (BBD). This is the date after which the quality of the coffee starts to deteriorate. Indeed, if beyond the expiry date, it is still possible to consume the preserved coffee, its aromas will not be as rich, whatever the method of conservation adopted.

Therefore, it is important to know the expiry date of the ground coffee purchased in order to take advantage of all its properties when consumed. This information is usually provided on the bags or packaging. If not, do not hesitate to refer to the manufacturers.

In the end, ground coffee can be preserved using various preservation processes. Some are more efficient than others depending on the season (summer or winter) and the frequency of consumption. Moreover, depending on the quantity of ground coffee to be preserved, one method will be more suitable than another. In any case, you must reduce the storage time of the ground coffee to appreciate its taste.

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