Located at an altitude of 1,900m - an essential condition for high quality coffee - our 35-hectare Finca Mariposa is planted according to the principles of permaculture and agro-ecology.
25 hectares are dedicated to coffee growing, 3 have been set aside as an integral wilderness reserve, and 7 are devoted to infrastructures such as thebeneficio - the equivalent of a winery - or composts, housing and an animal farm. Today, a dozen varieties of Arabica and some forty species of shade tree create a unique ecosystem with increased biodiversity, naturally regenerating the soil.
Located at an altitude of 1,900m - an essential condition for high quality coffee - our 35-hectare Finca Mariposa is planted according to the principles of permaculture and agro-ecology.
25 hectares are dedicated to coffee growing, 3 have been set aside as an integral wilderness reserve, and 7 are devoted to infrastructures such as thebeneficio - the equivalent of a winery - or composts, housing and an animal farm. Today, a dozen varieties of Arabica and some forty species of shade tree create a unique ecosystem with increased biodiversity, naturally regenerating the soil.
We decided to become a producer for several reasons:
We decided to become a producer for several reasons:
Since the summer of 2022, Finca Mariposa has been producing its first coffees, and tasting and sales began in April 2023. We offer unique, gourmet and refined coffees, grand cru or exceptional, from a culture in total harmony with nature.
Each coffee is the result of years of effort, the care given to each coffee plant, and a constant quest for quality.
Since the summer of 2022, Finca Mariposa has been producing its first coffees, and tasting and sales began in April 2023. We offer unique, gourmet and refined coffees, grand cru or exceptional, from a culture in total harmony with nature.
Each coffee is the result of years of effort, the care given to each coffee plant, and a constant quest for quality.
Finca Mariposa is not just a farm: it's a pilot project, a model for the future of coffee.
We demonstrate that agriculture that respects the land, people and traditions is not only possible but also profitable.
We demonstrate thatbringing together taste and regenerative agriculture is an EVIDENCE.
We demonstrate that, while coffee farming can be synonymous with desertification, the destruction of organic matter, the collapse of biodiversity and soil life... in Mariposa, it is synonymous with the most intensive regenerative agriculture!
Why wait any longer? Why are we still ruining our soils, our first earthly heritage, why are we ruining our farmers when so many solutions exist?
Finca Mariposa is not just a farm: it's a pilot project, a model for the future of coffee.
We demonstrate that agriculture that respects the land, people and traditions is not only possible but also profitable.
We demonstrate thatbringing together taste and regenerative agriculture is an EVIDENCE.
We demonstrate that, while coffee farming can be synonymous with desertification, the destruction of organic matter, the collapse of biodiversity and soil life... in Mariposa, it is synonymous with the most intensive regenerative agriculture!
Why wait any longer? Why are we still ruining our soils, our first earthly heritage, why are we ruining our farmers when so many solutions exist?