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Techniques for grinding espresso coffee

The espresso or "Expresso" is very appreciated by coffee lovers around the world. It is also in this form that coffee is most enjoyed by the French. However, it is important to know that this drink is not consumed in the same way from one country to another. The dosage of coffee and water is done differently in different cultures. This has given rise to different varieties of espresso: ristretto, lungo, doppio, etc.

In any case, the type of coffee does not matter for the preparation of espresso coffee, as long as it is intended for extraction by an espresso machine. What about the form of the coffee? Ground or bean? The ideal is to select coffee beans in order to grind it "à la minute". There are different techniques for grinding espresso coffee. We talk about it.

Grinding espresso coffee with an espresso machine

Espresso requires a very precise grinding and a fine grind. With a traditional blade mill or blender, it is impossible to achieve this result. That's why many people opt for an adapted machine, such as a grinder or grain mill.

The millstone

It is a coffee grinder most often equipped with an electric motor, and equipped with mini rotating discs or "grinders". There are high-speed electric grinders and low-speed electric grinders on the market. While the latter are less likely to burn the coffee beans when grinding them into powder, they are more expensive to purchase.

There are also flat and conical mills. In fact, the shape of the wheels has no effect on the appearance of the grind. However, it is important to note that conical grinding wheels are less suitable for heavy use, as they are more prone to breakage. Therefore, it is recommended to take into account the frequency of use to make a choice.

Once the choice is made, it is possible to proceed to the grinding of the coffee beans. To do this, you need to put the beans in the electric grinder: you can add as many coffee beans as the capacity of the tank allows. The main thing is that the volume of the grind is sufficient to prepare a defined number of cups of espresso. However, since ground coffee only stays fresh for a day or two, it is important to put the right amount of coffee beans into the grinder. Generally, 1 tablespoon of whole beans to grind (about 15 ml) is enough to make one espresso. To make more cups, use a rule of three to determine the exact amount of beans to add.

Next, you need to select a fine to very fine grind size: grinders often have settings to choose the grind size. While espresso requires an extremely fine grind, the setting can be different for different coffee bean families. It is therefore advisable tocarry out tests and record the setting for each coffee bean selected. This minimizes time and grinding waste and ensures that the flavor of this energizing beverage is enjoyed.

The grain mill

It is actually an espresso machine with an integrated grinder. The grinding technique is the same as that of the independent grinder. So, to grind the coffee beans, you just have to introduce them into the machine and press a button to start the cycle. The amount of coffee beans to be added depends on the size of the tank, but also on the number of espresso cups desired. The more coffee you want to brew, the larger the volume of the grind must be in order for the brew to be successful. Therefore, a sufficient amount of coffee beans must be added.

As for the grind size, for espresso, the "fine grind" option should be selected rather than "very fine grind". As with the grinder, the setting is made directly on the automatic espresso machine. However, depending on the type of beans, a different setting is made to obtain the right grind for espresso. This requires testing, which usually results in losses. But, once you've got the right match, you'll always get the right grind size for your espresso.

The blender

This machine, usually equipped with stainless steel blades, is used to prepare various recipes: smoothies, fruit juices, vegetable puree, ground meat, etc. It can also be used to grind coffee. It can also be used to grind coffee. The coffee will never be as homogeneous as when using a coffee grinder, but some blenders have a "coffee grinder" setting to obtain a more or less perfect grind for an espresso.

Here are the steps to follow to grind coffee beans with a blender.

  1. Select the "coffee grinder" option or set the machine speed to medium or high.
  2. Pour the coffee beans into the blender and close the lid.
  3. Operate the machine.
  4. Tilt the machine from side to side during grinding to achieve a sufficiently uniform grind.
  5. Stop the machine once the grind is fine and suitable for making espresso, then empty the contents.

It is recommended to put a small amount of coffee beans in the blender to prevent the blades from breaking. In addition, you should not grind the beans for too long with this type of appliance, as the rapidly rotating blades tend to heat up, which can alter the quality of the grind.

Grind espresso coffee without a machine

Without a coffee grinder or blender, it is still possible to grind coffee beans and obtain a more or less fine grind for espresso. It is therefore common to use :

  • a mortar and pestle: these are very useful kitchen accessories for making preparations. They are used to grind spices as well as coffee beans. To do this, we must begin to fill the mortar with coffee beans, taking care not to exceed a quarter of its total capacity so as not to provide much effort. Then, with the pestle, we crush the beans in circular movements. Once they are in powder, we roll the pestle until the grinding is uniform;
  • a rolling pin: in addition to the rolling pin, you need a cutting board and a freezer bag so that the coffee doesn't get scattered everywhere. The beans are placed in the freezer bag which is placed on the cutting board. The beans are then pressed down with the roller in a back and forth motion to crush them. This requires a good physical condition so that the coffee is uniform;
  • a hammer: as with the rolling pin technique, the freezer bag and cutting board are essential. The coffee beans will also be tapped with the hammer to crush them into powder. It is not necessary to tap the beans. To make the exercise easier, you can turn the freezer bag from one side to the other;
  • a knife: a butcher's knife and a chef's knife can do the trick. They have a wide and rigid blade. You can select either one to grind the coffee beans. To do this, the beans must be placed on a large cutting board. The knife should be positioned flat. Since the purpose is not to cut the beans, but to flatten them, the sharp side is on the edge of the board. With the flat side, you press firmly until you break the beans. Once they are broken, you continue to press on the blade while pulling to obtain a fine grind.

It is recommended to grind the coffee beans yourself to control the size of the grind. This is an exercise that is particularly appreciated by very big coffee lovers. Otherwise, it is possible to buy already ground coffee packaged in completely sealed bags to preserve the flavors and aroma for several weeks.

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