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Techniques for making espresso coffee without a coffee machine

Of all the types of coffee that exist, the French prefer espresso. It is the result of extracting finely ground coffee using a grinder (with a wheel or blades) or kitchen accessories (mortar and pestle, rolling pin, hammer, etc.). In fact, espresso is not only popular in France. Thousands of people around the world enjoy this full-bodied coffee with a strong aroma and a reddish-brown foam on top.

The wide variety of espresso preparation methods provides different flavors to this coffee. All these methods generally require the use of a coffee machine. However, the question arises: what if the coffee machine breaks down? Fortunately, it is possible to prepare espresso coffee without a machine. Here are 3 simple techniques to use at home.

Making espresso with an Aeropress

At first glance, the Aeropress is nothing special. It could almost be mistaken for a low-end gadget. But underneath its toy-like appearance, the Aeropress is a very efficient espresso brewing device. The coffee is brewed and then extracted manually by pressure.

The ease of use that characterizes this tool makes it a very practical accessory for coffee lovers. No special knowledge is required to prepare a cup of espresso with an Aeropress, except for certain equipment such as :

  • freshly roastedcoffee beans orground coffee (preferably organic);
  • a coffee grinder ;
  • an electric kettle;
  • a stopwatch ;
  • a scale or tablespoon to measure the coffee.

Once all these elements have been collected, we can proceed to the preparation of espresso coffee in 10 steps.

  1. Grind the coffee in the coffee grinder, making sure that the grind is fine. If not, you can use pre-ground coffee sold in hermetically sealed bags.
  2. Heat the water in the electric kettle to a temperature suitable for brewing.
  3. Place the filter in the filter holder and rinse with a little hot water.
  4. Assemble the cylinder and the pressing part and turn the Aeropress over so that the open part points upwards.
  5. Introduce a sufficient dose of coffee. One tablespoon of coffee is equivalent to 15 grams.
  6. Pour almost simmering hot water until it covers the entire grind for a pre-infusion, for 30 seconds.
  7. Fill the Aeropress with hot water and let it steep for about 3 minutes, stirring back and forth.
  8. Squeeze the filter holder containing the paper filter and press the plunger to release the air and pack the liquid.
  9. Turn the machine over onto a cup and gently and evenly press the plunger.
  10. Remove the press from the cup once the plunger is depressed. The espresso is ready to be enjoyed.

Using a French Press to make an espresso

The French press, also known as the " piston coffee maker ", is a good alternative to the coffee machine for making espresso. If the demand for this type of equipment is growing over the years, it is because the tool embeds a simple technology, which makes it a practical solution.

Apart from the French press, it is important to have some equipment such as :

  • Freshly roasted coffee beans or ground coffee (preferably organic);
  • a coffee grinder ;
  • an electric kettle;
  • a stopwatch ;
  • a scale or tablespoon to measure the coffee.

To prepare espresso coffee with a French press, you use the same equipment as with an Aeropress. However, the actual making of the coffee is not subject to the same codes. This is due to the fact that the two machines operate differently.

As for the actual preparation, there are several steps to follow.

  1. Grind the coffee beans. You should know that 4 tablespoons of ground coffee (equivalent to 60 g) are necessary to prepare two cups of espresso. You can also use ground coffee to save time.
  2. Boil water. It is important to make sure that the water is boiling enough for the coffee to brew properly.
  3. Put a sufficient amount of ground coffee in the bottom of the French press.
  4. Pour a small amount of hot water to release the aroma.
  5. Wait 30 seconds then add boiling water to the French press.
  6. Put the lid back on and let it brew for about 4 minutes. You can extend the brewing time by one or two minutes for a stronger espresso.
  7. Press the plunger with slow and steady pressure. Halfway through the process, pull it back up and then press it down again to the bottom of the coffee pot.
  8. Pour the contents of the French press into a cup. The espresso is ready to be enjoyed.

Making espresso coffee with an Italian coffee maker

The Italian coffee maker, also known as the "Moka coffee maker" or "Bialetti coffee maker", is perfect for making espresso without a machine. The intense and rich taste of the coffee is probably the closest to an espresso made with a machine. In fact, this method of preparation relies on the steam that spreads through the ground coffee.

To make an espresso with a Moka coffee maker, you use the same equipment as for the Aeropress method or the method with a French press. There is nothing to change on this side. However, the actual brewing process is a different story. Of all the espresso preparation techniques without a machine, the "Moka Pot" method is the one that takes the longest.

Here are the steps to follow to make espresso coffee with a Moka coffee maker.

  1. Grind the coffee with a coffee grinder to a fine grind (espresso grind) or a slightly thicker grind. You can also use already ground coffee (preferably organic) and packaged in airtight bags.
  2. Addfiltered cold water (about 330 ml for one cup) to the bottom half of the jar, up to the valve.
  3. Fill the funnel with ground coffee, without packing it. The amount of coffee poured into the funnel depends on the number of cups of coffee to be prepared.
  4. Insert the funnel into the bottom of the jar.
  5. Screw the top of the funnel onto the base until it is tight.
  6. Place the pan on low heat.
  7. Wait for 5 to 7 minutes for the coffee to brew properly.
  8. Turn off the fire as soon as a gurgling sound is heard and check the coffee.

After the operation, the upper part of the coffee pot should be filled with coffee. If this is not the case, the pot should be placed on the fire again and wait until this happens.

In conclusion, it is possible to make an espresso without a machine by using one of the 3 techniques. Depending on the technique used, the texture will be more or less identical to the original version, as long as you use good quality coffee and the right grind. As for the taste, you have to be a true purist to really perceive the difference.

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