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Complete guide to using ground coffee

Ground coffee, available in packets or in the form of pods and capsules, is suitable for all types of coffee makers and espresso machines. However, obtained from the grinding of coffee beans, it remains a very fragile product that needs to be taken care of in order to benefit from all its organoleptic properties.

So, how to dose your ground coffee according to your machine? What should be taken into account when starting the extraction of your ground coffee? What is the role of the grind size? What is the best way to store ground coffee? We answer all your questions and offer you tips and tricks to use your ground coffee properly.

Tips on how to properly dose your ground coffee

The dosage of the ground coffee is the first point to take into account to prepare a good coffee. However, we will see that to dose ground coffee, it is necessary to take into account various elements.

The dosage of ground coffee according to your taste and your machine

This question necessarily arises when making coffee: how much ground coffee is needed to make a good coffee? The answer depends on various elements:

  • the container in which you will drink the coffee, such as a cup or a mug;
  • the type of machine you will use for extraction, such as an Italian coffee maker or a filter coffee maker;
  • how you like your coffee, strong and robust, or light and subtle.

Here are some dosages to remember for successful coffee making:

  • For a cup of coffee, it is recommended to use 10 grams of coffee for 100 ml of water;
  • For an espresso cup, you can use 7 grams of ground coffee for 8 to 10 cl of water;
  • For a mug, use 13 to 15 grams of ground coffee for 22 to 25 cl of water;
  • for a piston coffee maker, pour 10 grams of ground coffee for 20 cl of water.

Arabica coffee, Robusta coffee or blend, coffees offer a wide range of aromas and different levels of caffeine. So, according to your tastes, you will have the possibility to adapt the quantity of ground coffee. You will thus obtain the right dosage and will be able to prepare a customized coffee.

Other elements that influence the dosage of ground coffee

The amount of ground coffee needed to make your espresso or cup of coffee is paramount. However, there are other factors that come into play when it comes to measuring coffee:

  • In a filter coffee maker, the filter is the element through which the coffee releases its aromas. For this reason, it is advisable to moisten the filter slightly before starting to prepare the coffee;
  • Regarding water, the use of mineral or filtered water guarantees neutral water without any aftertaste;
  • The quality of the coffee also depends on the temperature of the water. Indeed, the water must not reach 100°C, the temperature at which water boils.
  • You should regularly descale and clean your coffee machine. This way, you avoid the appearance of scale, which could also alter the coffee and distort the dosage of your grind.

All about ground coffee extraction

The extraction of coffee consists in passing from ground coffee to coffee in cup. But successfully extracting ground coffee requires some knowledge about grinding.

The role of grind size in the extraction of ground coffee

To prepare a coffee, the coffee beans must be ground with a mill to obtain a grind. The size of the grind plays a determining role in the extraction of the coffee. Indeed, there are different types of grinds:

  • coarse grinding;
  • fine grinding ;
  • extra-fine grinding;
  • etc.

Finally, the grind can be more or less compacted in coffee machines.

The size of the grind is important because it determines how the water passes through the coffee. If the grind is too large, the water will not have time to impregnate its aromas. The coffee will then have no taste. On the contrary, a fine grind slows down the passage of water, which gives a coffee with a very strong aroma.

The duration of the extraction of ground coffee according to the machine

To prepare a good coffee, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the coffee bean, the size of the grind, the choice of the coffee maker, but also to the duration of the extraction. Indeed, the duration of the extraction of ground coffee varies between a few seconds and a few minutes.

For example, for a piston machine, the longer the extraction time, the more flavorful the coffee will be. If you want a light coffee, you will have to reduce the extraction time. As a rule of thumb, it is considered that 3 minutes is enough to extract ground coffee with a piston machine.

Tips for storing ground coffee

The freshness of the grind is essential for a good result. Whether you have just ground your own coffee beans or you have bought the ground coffee from a roaster, we present you with tips and tricks to store your ground coffee well.

The ideal way to store ground coffee

To store ground coffee, you will need to keep it under cover:

  • of light;
  • air ;
  • of humidity;
  • cold temperatures;
  • warm temperatures.

Coffee is a perishable product that oxidizes when in contact with air. To preserve it, you can use the hermetic packaging offered by a professional roaster. These coffee bags are available on the online store or directly in the store.

The shelf life of ground coffee

Although stored in an airtight container away from light and moisture, ground coffee does not keep for years. Ideally, coffee should be consumed soon after the roasting date in order to preserve its taste.

On each package of ground coffee and coffee beans, you will find a special mention: the MDD, or Minimum Durability Date, which has replaced the UBD, Best Before Date. The MDD starts from the roasting date of the coffee beans.

It is important to know that it is possible to use ground coffee even if the DDM is exceeded. The only consequence is the loss of some of its properties, which can make it less pleasant to drink. So, to keep all the organoleptic properties of ground coffee, pay attention to your consumption:

  • How many cups of coffee do you drink per day?
  • Do you prefer an espresso or a coffee prepared with a piston machine?

By answering these questions, you will determine your coffee consumption. This way, you will be able to choose between larger and smaller doses of ground coffee. This tip is ideal to avoid storing ground coffee for too long.

In conclusion, from dosage to extraction, including storage and water temperature, ground coffee is a nectar that you can sublimate by following these tips on a daily basis.

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