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Ground coffee: everything you need to know about its different flavors

When it comes to buying coffee, there are several options. It is possible to turn to alternatives such as espresso coffee, coffee beans or ground coffee. Each type of coffee is distinguished by its own properties and responds to the desires and tastes that may vary from one person to another. If the choice offered to coffee lovers is considerable, ground coffee is the most consumed type of coffee. To have all the keys in hand when ordering, here is a guide to everything you need to know about ground coffee.

Among the elements that are important to consider when choosing your coffee, the flavors are unavoidable criteria. Let's take a look at the different possible ground coffee flavors and their characteristics.

What is the aroma of a coffee?

In the process of tasting a coffee, several criteria come into play, among which we can mention the flavors, aromas and smells. Although these three terms seem to be very similar, there are certain elements that distinguish them. It is important to know:

  • that a flavor is relative to the perception made by means of the taste buds present on the tongue;
  • that an aroma is detected by the olfactory nerve, thanks to the molecules captured by the mouth;
  • that an odor is also carried by molecules, but that unlike an aroma, these molecules are directly captured by the nose.

Once the distinction between flavor, aroma and smell has been made, it is important to know that a very large number of aromas exist. This is why coffees are offered in a wide range of flavors, in order to highlight each aroma. It is also possible to buy :

  • ground coffee ;
  • coffee in pods or capsules;
  • soluble coffee ;
  • coffee beans.

These different varieties meet the various requirements of coffee lovers, as well as the diversity of coffee machines available. Each coffee maker corresponds to a specific type of coffee, such as coffee beans, which are often associated with the use of an Italian coffee maker with grinder.

Whatever the type of machine used, it is still possible to enjoy a quality coffee, with which the aroma always plays a determining role in the tasting. In order to choose your coffee and to know how to enjoy it, here is a summary of the different flavors possible with ground coffee.

The different coffee flavors

Whether it is for simple curiosity or in order to challenge one's ability to identify coffee aromas, it is possible to refer to the flavor wheel. The latter has been elaborated by the Speciality Coffee Association, commonly abbreviated SCA, and proposes a relatively exhaustive list of aromas that can be found in coffee.

While there are many possibilities, this SCA flavor wheel works on an intuitive principle of offering increasingly refined categories. Specifically, the coffee flavors are divided as follows:

  • 9 main families ;
  • about thirty more specific sub-categories;
  • more than 70 different flavors for the third degree of maturation.

The principle of the wheel of flavors consists in identifying first the most obvious elements, those that come to mind when tasting coffee. The most general categories are thus at the center of the wheel. Gradually, it is then necessary to determine the coffee's aromas with more precision, referring to the proposals placed further out on the wheel.

Concerning the 9 main families of coffee aromas, they are :

  • floral aromas;
  • fruity aromas;
  • acidic and fermented aromas;
  • vegetable flavors ;
  • woody aromas;
  • spicy aromas;
  • cocoa or nut flavors;
  • sweet aromas.

To learn more about the different flavors of coffee, let's go back in detail to these main families of flavors and their variations.

Ground coffee, the alternative of floral aromas

Among the floral aromas offered with ground coffee, it is possible to identify different notes. Thus, the family of the floral aroma is distinguished in two categories that are:

  • flowers;
  • black tea.

Within the first category mentioned, it is possible to distinguish, depending on the coffee, a chamomile, rose or jasmine aroma. However, each of these aromas is identifiable at the last level of the flavor wheel, and identifying them therefore reflects a certain ability to distinguish the floral notes of ground coffee.

Fruity aromas for ground coffee beans

The fruity aromas are relatively numerous and fall into 4 main categories. When drinking a coffee, it is possible to identify a taste:

  • of red fruits, such as strawberry, raspberry, blueberry or blackberry;
  • stone fruits, such as plums or grapes;
  • citrus fruits, such as lemon, grapefruit or orange;
  • other fruits, especially exotic fruits, such as pineapple, coconut, but also more common fruits, such as peach, pear or apple.

Fruity aromas remain among the most important categories and offer a wide variety of flavors.

Acidic and fermented aromas

This category of aromas lists a panel of more or less acidic and fermented notes, which refer to a taste:

  • wine ;
  • sour;
  • butyric acidity (relative acidity to butter) ;
  • malic (acidity relative to the fruits).

This family thus offers aromas that can be cleaving.

A vegetable aroma with ground coffee

This family of flavors includes both olive oil notes and aromas reminiscent of the earth and fields, with notes of hay and grass that bring out the best in the vegetation.

Roasted flavors for coffee

In terms of aroma, ground coffee can also have roasted notes. Behind a relatively vague first taste, it is possible to refine the origin of the aroma, by identifying :

  • a cereal-like fragrance, which may come from barley or wheat;
  • a taste of tobacco.

Like acidic and fermented aromas, roasted aromas are not universally appreciated.

Spices and coffees, the different possible flavors

Ground coffee can also have spicy flavors, which allow you to discover nuances:

  • of pepper;
  • of cinnamon;
  • of nutmeg.

These flavors are not among the most widespread, but they have the advantage of offering relatively original coffees.

Coffee powder with cocoa and nut flavors

Another range of flavors is that which includes cocoa and other fruits called nuts. On the one hand, we must distinguish the flavors of chocolate or dark chocolate for cocoa. On the other hand, we find flavors of almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts for nuts.

Sweet flavour: another important category of ground coffee flavours

Finally, in terms of flavors, coffee can also have sweet notes, which are divided between honey, caramel, maple syrup and other sweet flavors such as vanilla flavors.

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