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All you need to know about organic coffee

Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks in the world. However, the cultivation of coffee contributes to deforestation, which is why it is now more than necessary to rethink our consumption habits and opt for a more environmentally friendly coffee.

Organic coffee is not only good for our planet. It is also better for the consumer, both in terms of taste and health.

How to recognize and choose organically grown coffee? What are its characteristics? Here is all you need to know about the exceptional coffee that is organic coffee.


What is an organically grown coffee?

It is quite easy to understand that an organic coffee is a coffee produced in compliance with certain standards imposed by organic agriculture. But more precisely, what is organic coffee?

The methods used to produce organic coffee

To produce organic coffee, farmers must meet certain criteria and adopt environmentally friendly production methods, such as

  • the use of compost instead of chemical fertilizers;
  • the use of traditional production methods;
  • the use of lime and ash to protect coffee trees from pests rather than pesticides;
  • the planting of certain plants at the foot of the coffee trees to provide natural thermal regulation.

In short, farmers use alternative methods of cultivation, so as not to use products that are harmful to the planet or to the health of the consumer.

Organic coffee: a higher quality coffee

In addition to respecting the environment by using non-polluting and more natural growing methods, organic coffee is also distinguished by its quality.

Organic coffee has a reputation for having a strong aroma and taste that is highly appreciated by coffee lovers. In addition to its taste qualities, organic coffee is also better for the health of the consumer. The absence of chemicals in its cultivation allows for a healthier consumption of coffee, while enjoying its benefits. The antioxidant properties of coffee are more effective when consuming organically grown coffee.

The different labels to recognize organic coffee

How to know if a coffee is organically grown or not? The best way to identify an organic coffee is to know the different labels that can be given to it. But then, what are the labels for organic coffee?

The labels are the guarantee that a coffee respects certain standards and belongs to the category of coffees from organic farming. Ground coffee, coffee beans, soluble coffee or coffee capsules, all can obtain a label awarded by organizations such as Ecocerf, Agrocert, Qualité France, Certipaq, SGS or Certisud.

There is a multitude of organic coffees characterized by the absence of the use of dangerous chemicals for their culture. However, the best known label is the organic farming label and its AB sign on a green background.

Other labels can help identify organic coffee, or at least coffee that respects certain standards related to the preservation of the environment. This is the case of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) label or the Rainforest Alliance/UTZ label.

Organic coffee and fair trade coffee: what's the difference?

It is also important to know the differences between organic and fair trade coffee in order to distinguish between these two types of coffee. Fair trade coffee does not always mean that it is also organically grown, even if both are part of the same process.

While organic coffee is linked to the product, fair trade coffee is more interested in the producers, their working conditions and their remuneration for the work done. Fair trade coffee is thus part of a fair remuneration of the different actors of the coffee production chain. Labels such as Fair for life or Fairtrade indicate that a coffee is fair trade.

Why consume organic coffee?

Choosing to consume organic coffee is today a real necessity to limit the impact of its consumption on the environment. Moreover, organic coffee ensures a gustative quality and a sanitary security very important for the consumer.

Choose organic coffee, choose quality

Choosing to buy and consume organic coffee is the best way to truly appreciate all the flavors of coffee. True coffee lovers will turn to organic coffee to be able to drink a quality beverage.

Organic farming respects the nature of the coffee bean, in order to offer an authentic taste to the consumer. It is thus possible to enjoy all the gustatory and energizing benefits of coffee.

Taking care of your health with organic coffee

It is sometimes advised not to drink coffee to preserve one's health and avoid insomnia, hypertension or digestive disorders. In reality, it is above all the excessive consumption of poor quality coffee that represents a health hazard.

On the contrary, organic coffee offers the possibility to drink a beverage with many virtues for everything related to concentration, reduction of fatigue, stimulation of the nervous system and finally the memory. Today's consumers are ready to pay more for a better quality product.

Preserve the environment by drinking organic coffee

We mentioned it earlier when explaining the production methods used by organic agriculture for its cultivation: organic coffee allows us to continue to consume coffee while limiting the consequences on the environment.

Opting for organic coffee means supporting a responsible agriculture that does not pollute the soil, because it favors natural production methods. It also means not participating in the pollution of soil, water and the environment in general, by avoiding buying non-organic coffee.

Opt for organic coffee to enhance the value of the producers' work

Finally, choosing to buy and consume organically grown coffee is also an excellent way to value the work of producers who are committed to the quality of their coffee.

In order to be labeled organic, a coffee producer must meet strict criteria and make a lot of effort. Choosing to consume organic coffee is therefore a way to thank the actors who are committed to democratize a healthy agriculture, respectful of the environment. By buying organic coffee, the consumer participates in the evolution of agricultural practices in a concern of constant improvement.


How to choose organic coffee?

Choosing organic coffee is not easy as the market offers so many different products. Organic coffee can be bought in bean form or ground. Organic Arabica coffee or organic Robusta coffee: what is the difference in taste?

What are the criteria for choosing a good quality organic coffee?

Before we get into the details, there are a few things that can help consumers choose a good quality organic coffee, such as:

  • the roasting method;
  • the date of roasting ;
  • the labels ;
  • the origin of coffee.

It is therefore preferable to choose an organic coffee from an artisanal roasting. The more recent the roasting, the better the coffee will be, since the aromas will still be well preserved.

The origin of the coffee can also be an indicator of its quality. It is therefore advisable to opt for producing countries committed to organic farming, such as Ethiopia, Peru, Mexico or Nepal.

Organic coffee: bean or ground?

To begin with, when a consumer chooses his or her organic coffee, he or she has the choice of opting for bean-to-cup or ground coffee.

The advantages of organic coffee beans

Coffee specialists generally prefer organic coffee beans, since they allow you to savor all the flavors of the beverage. In addition, bean coffee keeps better than ground coffee and especially longer. It is less likely to oxidize, a natural phenomenon that occurs when coffee comes into contact with air and causes the loss of certain aromas.

Choosing organic coffee beans allows you to grind your coffee at the last moment, so that it is as fresh as possible. If the consumer is more interested in flavour than convenience, then it is in their best interest to choose organic coffee beans. However, he will need a manual or electric coffee grinder to grind the beans himself, or a coffee machine with a grinder that will do it for him.

By opting for organic coffee beans, it is also possible to control the calibre of the grind (more or less fine powder), to adapt it to your preparations.

The advantages of organic ground coffee

However, organic ground coffee is not to be outdone. It also brings important advantages to consumers, as it makes coffee preparation easier. There is no need to grind coffee: ground coffee can be used directly in a coffee maker and produce a drink in just a few minutes.

People who do not have a coffee grinder or a coffee machine adapted to bean coffee will have more interest in choosing ground coffee, widely available on the market.

The only negative point is that organic ground coffee does not keep as well as coffee beans. Thus, it must be consumed quickly in order not to lose all its aromas, just as it must be kept dry in an airtight box and away from light, to avoid oxidation as much as possible.

Organic coffee: robusta or arabica?

Finally, choosing your organic coffee is also a question of taste preference. All types of coffee can be organically grown. You must therefore choose your organic coffee according to your taste.

For an organic coffee that is strong in the mouth and rather full-bodied, Robusta coffee is the best choice. For more sweetness and subtlety, Arabica coffee is ideal. Coffee lovers prefer Arabica, which offers more balanced flavors between acidity and bitterness.

Finally, to make the right choice, it is often necessary to taste both.

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