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How will energized water change the way you enjoy coffee?

"Dynamo" means movement. Dynamizing water means giving it (back) a movement, the one that comes closest to its natural state. Water is by nature in movement, it hates stagnation, it makes it stagnant. It hates straight lines, and thus never borrows them in its natural state, preferring meanders and whirlpools. This is what keeps it alive, oxygenated, vitalized.


In our cities and even in our countryside, water is conducted in a linear, constrained manner. It changes its structure. It is also, and rightly so, treated and filtered, which often makes it unpleasant to drink, and always unsuitable for making a good coffee.


The dynamization is to give it a movement as if we wanted to give it life. It is simply a matter of passing it through vortexes and creating turbulence. This is not really new since systems to invigorate water have been used at different times and in all latitudes. 

One of the reference figures is the Austrian Schauberger, a forester who by dint of observing the torrents and streams seems to have discovered some of their secrets.


How do you dynamize water?


It can be done mechanically or magnetically. There are more than 140 ways and instruments to energize water, from the famous flow form to magnets. 


At L'Arbre à Café we decided to energize it mechanically by a series of vortexes that create turbulence in the water and change its molecular structure (water is very plastic) and magnetically by using magnetized stones that play on the minerals in the water.



What are the effects of dynamized water on coffee? 


Dynamized water is perceived as fresher, longer on the palate, lighter and better reveals aromas and textures.


You can of course do it at home or at the office since many solutions exist and are adapted to all daily contexts.


It is the basis of bio-dynamics and is the delight of some wine lovers who taste their nectar above all the quality of the water.


The Coffee Tree and energized water


When we opened our first store, on Rue du Nil, in 2011, we offered an incredible water game and a magnificent moment of amazement to the coffee lovers who came to enjoy our great vintages. 


We were serving the same coffee on two different machines fed by two different waters. Either the waters came from different sources, or from different filtration systems, or they were the same water but one was simply filtered while the other was also dynamized.


It never failed, 100% of those who tried their luck, saw the difference and could feel with their taste buds the effect of water on coffee.



We offer you a unique experience


But as we like to share and make live unique experiences, we decided to renew the operation in a perennial way on Oberkampf street .


So come and taste the same serve with the same water and the same parameters. The difference between the two cups served? It is only in the dynamization of the water!


If everyone, even the most ignorant among us, immediately feels the difference, everyone asks us what "dynamized water" is.


It's so simple that by the time you finish this article, you'll be convinced that it can't change the taste of the coffee at all. So you'll have to come and see us and experience it for yourself.


It is the famous syndrome of Saint Thomas. We pretend not to believe in order to taste it!




