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The Equinox, a cardinal date for coffee.

The Spring Equinox is one of the cardinal dates of the year for L'Arbre à Café.

Last Monday was the equinox, time of equal distribution, time of the passage of the sun from one hemisphere to the other, time of the crossing of the Equator, time of one season to the other, time almost suspended before the tipping and the opposition of the two hemispheres.

For L'Arbre à Café this symbolizes the constant energy that links our plantation, Finca Mariposa in Peru, in the southern hemisphere, and our stores, our roastery and our school, located in Paris, in the northern hemisphere.



During a few hours, these two poles in constant interaction, benefit from the same light, the same attention, and the same nightly rest. It is thus the time of the balance, certainly fleeting, certainly ephemeral but real.

It is also the time of the tilt and of the great choices, of the great orientations, like the plates of a pendulum, the sun changes side, the light also, the night also. Winter gives way to Spring, cold to heat, earth to air, night to light.

In the agriculture we have been practicing for more than 12 years, like biodynamics, the Equinox also announces, not the awakening, which happens after the Winter Solstice, but the full entry into the celestial, aerial, vegetative energies of plants. The soil ends its period of great activity, and nature moves outwards.
