L'Arbre à Café is a producer AND roaster: discover the coffees from our Mariposa farm.
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The Fate of Hippolyte Courty

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Our actions towards the planet are not just a fad

Since its creation, L'Arbre à Café has been committed to environmental sobriety. This is not a posture or a trend born from media pressure but at the very origin of our adventure, at the heart of our DNA some would say.

Our mission, written in our statutes, is to do good to the earth and good for people through coffee.

The completion of our carbon footprint and the Life Cycle Assessment of our coffee allows us to objectively evaluate our environmental performance according to the most ambitious standards. Their results are the fruit of a long work which is declined in multiple actions which allowed us and still allow us to reduce our daily impact and to propose you the most virtuous coffee which is.


Here are a few examples that we share with you: 

Energy green : L'Arbre à Café is a green company energycertified by EkoEnergy, the only independent organization that guarantees the nature of the energy purchased. Thus, 100% of our energy comes from renewable sources. L'Arbre à Café is one of the only roasters in the world to roast with gas from bio-waste, and to have all its premises supplied with 100% hydro-electricity from the Beaurepaire dam thanks to Ilek.

So whether it's our stores, our offices or our roaster, everything is powered by green energy!

Low energy and high performance equipment In 2020, we have invested heavily in renewing our equipment and machines in order to further improve quality, of course, and also to reduce our energy consumption. Our new roaster in particular consumes 40% less energy than our previous models, which were already very efficient! In fact, all of our purchases are decided according to energy performance. We have engraved this sobriety approach in our supplier charter.

Electric vehicle fleetGoodbye diesel, hello electric! Our entire fleet of vehicles is now electric! This represents an important investment but what a satisfaction to drive in zero emission!

Carbon neutral logistics:

Within the city, all our deliveries are made by cargo bike, with zero emissions, and for national and international deliveries, we choose zero-carbon couriers. We are even preparing a supply by sailboat in 2021.

High Performance Insulation: Our new workshop has been designed to meet and exceed all the most demanding environmental standards. Choice of natural materials such as the cocoa residue based floor, total insulation of the premises for an energy saving certified by an independent third party of more than 400,000 kWh! That is the equivalent of 10 times around the planet with an electric smart car!

The bulk, in bulk : bulk, bulk, yes, we do everything to convince you in store to switch to bulk. Silos, service by weight, and refillable and completely airtight boxes are on the program.

Packaging and compostable packaging Packaging is still essential to protect coffee and web mailings, so goodbye to the triplex, no to the PET plastic packaging that everyone says is recyclable, but which is not recycled in France. Yes, to Biotrè, today one of the most convincing solutions on the market. The next step will be 100% certified compostable home, if the packers succeed in developing it. We are looking forward to it.

Green consumables: At L'Arbre à Café, from paper to detergents, everything is certified organic, we even changed our cleaning company to reach the most demanding standards.

Digital sobriety Computer and digital pollution is often neglected, yet it is one of the most important issues today. At L'Arbre à Café we are therefore setting up a computer charter that summarizes good practices: use of Ecosia, management of mailboxes, etc., in order to reduce this often neglected impact.

More virtuous purchases: At L'Arbre à Café, we are implementing a purchasing policy, summarized in a supplier charter, putting ecological aspects at the forefront. Our purchases must therefore be green and fair.

Doing is good, certifying is even better Since 2009, L'Arbre à Café has convinced many farmers to convert to organic or biodynamic agriculture and has often financed their labeling and certification. At L'Arbre à Café, we have never understood the coffee actors who hide behind the cost of certifications to excuse their producers for not being certified.

To be certified: For a long time, L'Arbre à Café was under-certified and did not emphasize or formalize its certifications. Today L'Arbre à Café is certified organic by EcoCert, Demeter, EKOenergy, Cafe de Peru, EcoTable, SCA Campus etc....

Convert to organic to save people and soils: 

In 10 years, more than 5,000 hectares of coffee plantations have been converted during our missions and accompaniments from India to the best terroirs of Panama. Each time we do a mission in this sense, we avoid nearly 250kg of CO2 per hectare... a more than significant reduction!

Positive impact community: L'Arbre à Café participates and adheres to networks of good initiatives: EcoTable, the sustainable label we have been waiting for, Sol Vivant for the promotion of regenerative agriculture, Collège Culinaire de France, and does not hesitate to speak in the media to promote best practices...
